Friday, August 29, 2008

today is


its the day when my co-workers && I decide to get super cute && just have fun ! fresh hair, fresh nails, fresh outfits, just all around cuteness !!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


what is with the "lightskin-darkskin" thing going on ? I mean
really...are we all not one in the same ? I experience it on && off in
a day to day basis, sometimes I'm hung around && sometimes in not.
Oh..lets not the forget " red girls have attitude problems" thing when I
get upset about something.

pfft..everyone gets an attitude, why is it something different because I
am a lightshade than you ?

sometimes, I just step out the box && slide to the left a little && zone

It just really irks my nerves...not my fault I'm lighter than most.